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Spring is right around the corner and we all know what we do during spring, CLEAN!  Well we at EcoCare though it would be helpful to provide you with a few tips to get you organized and remove all the clutter. With only a couple of months into the New Year, it should be easy to clean up.

First, look at your immediate work environment, your desk. Have only items on your desktop that you need everyday: telephone, planner, computer, writing items, action files. Anything else you keep on the desk would depend on your job functions. Papers should be filed in the appropriate filing system. Current projects should be housed in their own system, perhaps an expanded file folder. If you have a lot of sticky notes surrounding you, can you consolidate them into a to-do list? Are contact numbers logged into a contact system?

Second, look at what surrounds your desk. Those items should also be kept to a minimum. They might include a tickler file, active file cabinet, and printer. Are those items located so that you can work efficiently without getting out of your chair to do something? Check to see if the tickler file has been managed efficiently. Have the folders for each day been cleaned out as used and rotated to the back of the file? Is the pending folder checked periodically? Does your active file cabinet hold only active files, not archive files?

Third, check your office supplies. Are they housed together? Are you low on some and need to replenish any? How about the receipts for those supplies? Are they logged into your system for tracking expenses? Are invoices up-to-date?

By maintaining your work environment on a daily basis, you can avoid the build up of clutter that very quickly becomes overwhelming. At the end of the day, clean up your space and get it ready for the next day. This should take only a few minutes. Check your planner to see what the next day’s schedule is and if you are prepared for any appointments or other activities. You should feel calm and under control, not overwhelmed or stressed. If daily maintenance is not possible, try at least every week or month.

After you get everything organized, recycled, or thrown away you still need a good office cleaning  to get rid of dust and germs just to top off your spring cleaning. Luckily, EcoCare specializes in impact cleans which are perfect for an intense cleaning.Now you  bring in the new year with an exceptional work space free of stress.

Let us help you spring clean and remove all your stress! Call us at (512) 339-9111 or visit our website www.ecocarepro.com