Jun 28, 2018
Cleaning your windows can take up a large portion of your day and still leave you with less than satisfactory results. However, hiring a professional window cleaner, who can finish the job in only one or two hours, can take this time consuming, and quite daunting,...
May 29, 2018
Becoming eco-friendly often starts at home by saving energy and utilizing public recycling collections, but what else can we do to help our earth? By following the same practices at work, we can reduce our waste costs, energy usage and carbon footprint. Get everyone...
Mar 27, 2018
This year’s flu season has been worse than normal. With this in mind, and given that on any given workday employees use their hands to type up reports, shake hands with new clients, open doors and share community spaces, it might be good idea to put some extra...
Feb 22, 2018
You finish cleaning the restrooms in an office building and head to the break room. While it may seem more efficient to transport the cleaning tools you just used from the restroom into the kitchen, taking the extra time to set up new tools is necessary to prevent...
May 31, 2017
Today, there is an urgent call to action to make greener, healthier and more sustainable choices for how we clean our facilities. In fact, for many building service contractors and facility managers, the implementation of green cleaning practices is not just an...
Feb 28, 2017
Cleaning an office or home is not something that many people enjoy, but it is something that needs to be done. There are various cleaning chores that should be dealt with on a daily, weekly or monthly basis in order to keep your home sparkling and sanitary. And if you...