888-326-1255 info@ecocarepro.com

At EcoCare, we are always trying to make building maintenance as simple as possible. That is why we are proud to announce that we have partnered with G & K Services to offer our valued customers a new service. EcoCare will now offer a floor mat rental as an additional service that can be added to your account without affecting your current contract.
Why would you rent your mats instead of just buying them yourself? With heavy foot traffic, mats can wear out in no time. With our service, if your floor mats wear out, we replace them at no charge to you.
80% of all dirt and dust is tracked in by normal foot traffic. While most mats accumulate dirt and dust at the very surface, doing virtually nothing to reduce the amount of dirt tracked in, our mats are made of specialty fibers that trap dirt and drag it down to the base where it’s held hostage until a representative comes to replace the mat entirely. That’s right, instead of a quick once-over with a vacuum, twice a month, we will come to your building with a carpet that has been cleaned like new.
Studies have shown that one square yard of commercial-grade carpeting can accumulate one pound of dirt in only a week. That’s why, at G&K, floor mats are run through a series of industrial washers to make sure they come out immaculate, and only then are they put back into rotation.
This extra step can help prevent allergy problems with your workers, computer problems caused by dust build up, and even efficiency issues brought on by dust accumulating on your heating or cooling system, which can reduce efficiency by 21%.
Just another way EcoCare is going the extra mile to keep your office clean and safe.