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Paper Towels vs. Hand Dryers

Paper Towels vs. Hand Dryers

The workplace restroom is crawling with germs. Research has shown there are thousands of different species of bacteria on the floors and on other surfaces of public restrooms. Even worse, that bacteria is not simply lying dormant – it is actively multiplying and...
Improve Your Environmental Impact

Improve Your Environmental Impact

Becoming eco-friendly often starts at home by saving energy and utilizing public recycling collections, but what else can we do to help our earth? By following the same practices at work, we can reduce our waste costs, energy usage and carbon footprint. Get everyone...
How to Get Your Restroom Stalls Really Clean

How to Get Your Restroom Stalls Really Clean

Public restrooms aren’t notoriously clean and pleasant places. A patron’s number one fear of public restrooms is exposure to the unsanitary conditions they perceive. That’s why it’s important to educate yourself and staff members about your...
Best Places for Hand Sanitizer

Best Places for Hand Sanitizer

This year’s flu season has been worse than normal. With this in mind, and given that on any given workday employees use their hands to type up reports, shake hands with new clients, open doors and share community spaces, it might be good idea to put some extra...
Paper Towels vs. Hand Dryers

Preventing Cross-Contamination

You finish cleaning the restrooms in an office building and head to the break room. While it may seem more efficient to transport the cleaning tools you just used from the restroom into the kitchen, taking the extra time to set up new tools is necessary to prevent...
Proper Use of Disinfectants

Proper Use of Disinfectants

It’s a common belief that to have a clean and healthy facility, every surface must be disinfected. But is all this disinfection necessary? Or instead, are we doing more harm than good? Disinfectants are substances that kill life and are regulated by the U.S....