Aug 30, 2023
Eco-Care knows how important it is to use environmentally safe products. Excessive use of heavy chemicals can over-power a work place and more importantly create health risks for the employees in it. Harmful chemicals that are usually found in commercial cleaning...
May 31, 2017
Today, there is an urgent call to action to make greener, healthier and more sustainable choices for how we clean our facilities. In fact, for many building service contractors and facility managers, the implementation of green cleaning practices is not just an...
Jan 21, 2016
Carpet is a popular flooring choice for homes, offices, schools and commercial spaces. It provides a comfortable place and it also cushions the impact of slips and reduces noise which makes it easier to learn and concentrate. But carpet requires maintenance to keep it...
Jul 13, 2015
Health and safety standards are an important part of any organization, and are something that needs to be regularly enforced in order for your staff to feel happy and healthy in their working environment. Many offices make use of an external cleaning company when it...
Feb 12, 2015
Keeping your office space clean and well-organized is important for a host of reasons. A clean office space is not only beneficial for the health, comfort and even the morale of your employees, but also for the impression your premises will make on visitors. These may...